Wednesday, March 7, 2007


For starters...I do believe that leggings had their day in the sun (or shall I say snow), but I am quite certain that it is time to put them away until their next appearance 10 years from now. If you still love them, please do us all a favor and invest in a nice pair of skinny jeans as they are much more attractive and multidimensional.

Furthermore, I don't care if this picture came from the latest Instyle: Your Look magazine, which I must say, as a side note, is a fun little read. It is InStyle's new mag. It is pricey for how teeny it is, but has some fun fashion, hair, make-up, etc. pointers. I do believe, however, that someone on staff may have been short on sleep or intoxicated with this tid bit of advise. Or, maybe they just wanted to see how many girls will run out like little mindless Paris Hilton's to buy the next 'big thing'. They say these leggings create a 'modernist' edge. Really? Either they are to help the poor girl wearing them shed some extra pounds or she is on her way to audition for the remake of Fame.

If you so choose to go out and spend your money on these, be forewarned. I will find you and take a picture of you and post it right here for all to see. Take your hard-earned cash and purchase a pretty day there is a trend worth showing off.